There are several efficient methods that show you step-by-step how to pack a suitcase. Click to explore our guide to maximizing space in your suitcase.

Did you know that Americans travel for 3 to 4 days within the country per year?

It makes sense. Traveling helps people feel happier, relaxed, less anxious, and more creative. It's a time to disconnect, recharge, experience new things, and boost individual satisfaction.

If you're considering traveling but don't know how to pack a suitcase, you're in the right place. Continue to read to learn some top-notch packing tips.

Try to Avoid Big Suitcases

If you opt for a bigger bag, you'll likely put more stuff into it. So, if you can buy a hard-sided suitcase (which isn't more than 22 inches tall), go for it. It will work as a carry-on, and due to its structured shell, you'll avoid squeezing the typical ''just in case I need it'' items.

Sure, you don't need to buy this type of suitcase. But, it will help you avoid bringing several things (especially unnecessary ones).

Use a Mantra: Do The Clothing Countdown

If packing light is challenging for you, you might require a mantra to help you do so. So, use the 5,4,3,2,1, method to avoid extra items.

It works like this: you only bring five sets of underwear and socks, four tops, three bottoms, two pairs of shoes, and one hat. As a bonus, you may even add exercise gear and a swimsuit or a dress and a suit jacket if you'll require them.

Sure, the list can change to suit your needs, but it works as a great guideline.

Don't Be Afraid to Edit your Suitcase

It's okay to lay out what you think will be important and then edit your suitcase. Aim to ruthlessly eliminate clothing that is not essential to your trip enjoyment.

Packing light will allow you to care about what matters regarding trips: the places, the people, and the local gastronomy. It's about spending less time worrying about what's in your bag and more time focused on your trip's purpose.

There's nothing wrong with thinking carefully about what you put in your bag. Indeed, if you can stick to backpacks and carry-on bags, it's even better. It will push you to get rid of unnecessary items, and in the end, if you need something, you can buy it at your trip's destination.

Create Space For What You Need

Are you worried a carry-on bag won't be spacious enough to fit everything? Don't worry. There's a way to create space for what you need (like filling every inch of it). For instance, you can put your socks inside your footwear.

Indeed, you can try some top-notch strategies to learn how to pack clothes in a suitcase or carry-on bag. First, use packing cubes to help you keep your outfits ordered and your clothes compact. Then, try the bundle technique: wrap each piece of clothing around a central core, with T-shirts and underwear at the center and large tailored items such as dressed and blazers as the outer layer.

Here's the final tip: roll your clothes. It will help you minimize wrinkles and maximize space.

Pick All-In-One Options

Frequent travelers know it's best to keep their toiletry kit separate when traveling. You should do the same!

Also, beware that keeping your bathroom products already packed helps you not forget your contact lens, toothbrush, or other essential items. So, put them in a small box in your drawer or corner of a cabinet. You'll have easy access to them when organizing your stuff for a trip.

Finally, stick to all-in-one options, like BB creams that combine moisturizer and foundation. Also, to avoid leakage, pack using two biodegradable plastic bags (for the environment and your bag's sake).

Consider Wrinkle-Free Travel Clothes

Stick to wrinkle-resistant fabrics. If possible, opt for knits, cotton clothing, and wools. After all, these fabrics are usually versatile. For example, any of these yoga styles might work as a PJ top.

In the end, this trick will teach you how to pack a suitcase and keep it light. You'll avoid putting other-fabric clothes, so you'll know how to edit your travel bag properly.

Reduce Weight, Not Usefulness

Refuse to carry stuff that isn't useful. When dealing with two useful options, stick to the better-designed or lighter one.

When possible, opt for travel clothing that has multiple uses to help reduce complexity and weight. For instance, a good pair of jeans or a neutral-colored skirt works great with various tops, so it's a great item to add to your travel bag.

Prioritize Comfort and Design

Try to optimize each item for design and comfort. There's no need to wear a 15-pocket travel sweatshirt or 10-zipper jeans. Instead, wear clothing that provides you comfort.

It's not that tricky: use everyday items you need and typically use in your routine. It doesn't make sense to buy before your trip a melting deodorant into chapstick tubes just for the sake of ''packing light''.

You don't need several items. Just ensure the ones you put in your bag make you feel and look good.

Add BloqUV Clothing To Your Bag

Our outdoor activewear is something you should consider putting in your bag. First, our clothes are lightweight. Second, they provide greater freedom of motion. Also, they block 98% of the sun's rays, meaning you'll be protected regardless of the clothes' colors or styles you pick.

Do you think that's all? With BloqUV clothing, you'll also be eco-friendly. Most brands contain chemicals that end up harming coral reefs and marine life. That's not the case with our brand. Ultimately, it's always best to take care of the planet.

If you're worried that our clothing is only functional for a particular season, don't be. BloqUV keeps you cool in the hot weather yet can also be worn as a layering piece in the colder months.

How To Pack A Suitcase

While ultralight packing is challenging and doesn't come naturally to most people, you don't need to be a travel expert to learn how to pack a suitcase.

You just need to focus on what items are ''essential'', provide you comfort, and have multi-purposes. You can do it!

Are you looking for multi-purpose activewear for your trip? Then you're in luck! Check out the technical features and benefits of our clothes.

January 13, 2023 — Gabriella Lowell